Just in Time for Back-to-School

A couple of weeks ago, I posed some questions of my readers that started with the words What if…

What if quality school safety training could be available to all of your staff members (bus drivers, food service staff, substitutes, paraprofessionals, teachers, custodians) without having to pull them away from their responsibilities, ask them to work extra hours, or pay overtime wages.

What if making your school safer were as simple as investing an hour at your convenience to access the very same training content provided to school districts across the country, at a fraction of the cost you’d pay for an on-site training?

We are very close to making this a reality, just in time for back-to-school.  I will keep you posted over the next few days.

To get started now for free, enroll in my Increase Your School’s Safety in 5 Easy Steps online course.